A Puzzle Piece for Wholeness

Our Shadow is that which we deny, distort or repress within ourselves, yet is alive and active in our everyday lives. This is the source of where we unconsciously act from: creating repeating patterns and reoccurring dynamics of struggle in our lives.

Though we may effort to keep these parts of ourselves separate from our identity–they nevertheless are–leaving us unable to welcome and integrate ourselves into wholeness.

And we must have compassion: the existence of Shadow can be acknowledged as simply natural and very human. These unconscious and patterned reactions were developed in order to serve and protect us—often in direct response to pain, hardship or trauma.

But what if these strategies no longer serve us?

What if we could make more conscious decisions?

What if we could respond from empowerment instead of react from old programming?

ENTER: Shadow Academy.
A course designed to make the daunting task of shadow work more approachable, effective, and immediately rewarding.

This 3-session journey is structured with:

  • shadow theory

  • embodied exercises

  • revealing personal assignments

  • private cohort chat

  • accountability & support

All created to explore your hidden nature and impulses AND empower you with practical tools to welcome and integrate your findings.

Through our live sessions and a private cohort chat, we access the wisdom, care and camaraderie possible through this intimate group process. In shedding light on the dark together, we support one another on the journey toward greater self acceptance, and expansion into what it means to be more whole and human.

Join the next Shadow Academy cohort:

Updated Dates and Times!

DATES: 3 Sundays, from January 28-February 11, 2024
10-12:30am PT / 7-9:30pm CET / Calculate your timezone here

“Through Shadow Academy, I am radically changing the way I show up in life, and also how much I am absolutely in love with my life.”

Todd | Ceo. San Luis Obispo, California

As a graduate of Shadow Academy, you will:

  • Learn what the shadow self is and how to recognize it in action

  • Individually acknowledge, connect to, and integrate the shadow self

  • Build a greater capacity to identify in real time why some people or situations generate emotional ‘charge’ in the form of intense emotions, stress, avoidance or anxiety

  • Slow Down in patterns and develop strategies to better manage charged reactions

  • Welcome the shadow self also as an ally, so that we may integrate these aspects or ourselves rather than eradicate or repress them

  • Practice releasing debilitating ideas of ‘types’ of people or situations that stress or upset us

  • Acquire insights into the extraordinary power of “being with”, so that we may develop deeper, more whole relationships with ourselves and others


Upcoming Courses


Shadow Academy

DATES: 3 Sundays, January 28-February 11, 2024
TIME: 10-12:30am PT / Calculate your timezone here

Advanced Shadow Academy

DATES: 3 Thursdays, March 14-28
TIME: 9-11:30am PT / Calculate your timezone here



“They walked us through clearly demonstrating explorations of shadow with compassion and gentleness, yet with a firm willingness to welcome all: the good, the bad, and the ugly–without judgement.

Through Shadow Academy, I am radically changing the way I show up in life, and also how much I am absolutely in love with life.”

Todd | CEO. san luis obispo, CA

“Ash holds space with compassion, integrity, humor, and grounded wisdom. Shadow Academy provided a safe space for me to not only gain valuable insight into my light and shadow but--more importantly--offered tangible, embodied practices through which to actually integrate the information.

I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to understand themselves better and gain a greater sense of self-compassion and wholeness.”

Bridget | Mexico

“Super well structured and organized. I loved the intimacy of the container, such a safe space to explore and go deep together. Powerful work that will for sure keep being digested for a while. The length of the sessions were perfect in my opinion, great balance between theory and exercises.”

Emily | Musician. Switzerland

“Shadow Academy was an approachable, welcoming, supporting and nurturing space to do some very important and potent inner work. I deeply appreciated the variety of exercises, some of which were surprising in their results, and the homework that nudged me gently out of my comfort zone. The facilitation was excellent, creating a container that allowed us all to explore with freedom and support. I feel more prepared now to continue my own shadow work as well as help clients with theirs.”

Kelly | Embodied Self-Leadership Mentor. Boulder, CO

“What an avenue for growth for all. I left feeling really inspired by the group's shared experience and grateful for the facilitation, guidance, and support along the way. I feel bigger and more complete, it's amazing.”

AB | Business Owner. Santa Cruz, CA

“I really feel more alive—parts of me that were hidden and stagnant are now rising and integrating. I became a fuller expression of me, because I have had the loving witnessing of others while gently exploring my shadow-sides.”

Tim | Life Coach. Antwerp, Belgium

“Shadow academy gave me insight into who I truly am.”

Roy | Participant. California

“I feel safe, held, heard, and understood with Ash and the container that she creates with Shadow Academy. Because of this, I'm able to more ease-fully lower my walls and let people in. And me, out.”

Teri | Actress. California